Certified Hypnotherapist


Curious about Hypnotherapy?

Heidi Bromm (Certified Hypnotist & NLP Practitioner) is highly trained in Hypnotherapy and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). She helps clients end self-sabotage, dissolve "buttons" or "triggers" once and for all, clear limiting beliefs and break cycles of behaviors that no longer serve - all in gentle yet powerful ways.  

Heidi also helps clients transform in ways they never thought possible by helping them appropriate states of excellence for themselves - permanently - including everything from public speaking to compassion and forgiveness. Heidi's kind, easy-going, non-judgmental demeanor quickly places clients at ease. Clients love how comfortable and safe they feel with her.

Heidi offers 1-hour sessions for Hypnotherapy and NLP and longer sessions for Past Life Regressions and Beyond Quantum Healing.

If you’d like more information on Tranceformation”, past life regression, or BQH-Beyond Quantum Healing with Heidi or to schedule a session in advance for the event email Heidi at hypnoheidi@cfl.rr.com!