Certified Reiki Master &
Energy Alchemist
What is Reiki?
Reiki is transmitted life force energy that creates balance and harmony in the body, mind and spirit and catalyzes one's natural abilities for the body to heal itself.
Beneficial effects include deep relaxation, feelings of peace, and a sense of security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is performed by light laying of hands on or close to the body. Reiki energy is sent through the practitioner's hands to the recipient to balance and stimulate healing.
As a Certified Sound Practitioner and Reiki Master I use quartz crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls hand-made of different metals, tuning forks, percussion instruments, chimes and voice in sound sessions.
What is Sound Healing?
Sound healing (also called a sound bath) is produced by using instruments around your body. Sound healing is "medicine" of frequency bringing balance to the body, mind and inner self. Sound is relaxing yet motivating. It is changing how people heal on multiple levels. Recent studies reveal sound therapy is the leading edge for all levels of healing.
As a Certified Sound Practitioner and Reiki Master I use quartz crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls hand-made of different metals, tuning forks, percussion instruments, chimes and voice in sound sessions.
Benefits include:
Improve mood
Decrease Pain
Reduce Anxiety
Ease symptoms of stress & depression
Ease side effects of some meds/chemo
Loosen blocked energy & promote relaxation
Strengthen Immune System
Improve Memory
Extremely pleasant, peaceful holistic healing